Not so celibate now Peter! Andre admits three-month fling with former glamour model

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Romps: Former glamour model Maddy Ford has told of her passionate three-month fling with Peter Andre

A blonde model has revealed how she ended Peter Andre's vow of celbacy after his divorce from Katie Price.

30-year-old Maddy Ford has told how the singer, who turned 37 yesterday, wooed her just eight days after his divorce before embarking on a three-month fling with her.

The former glamour model, who now works as a stylist, told The News Of The World about their passionate romps which took place at his Brighton home - and even in a shower during a video shoot.

She said the two met at a party when his friend champion windsurfer Nick Baker and wife Michelle Clack - a former model and friend of Maddy - invited him to a birthday party for one of their children on October 31 last year.

Speaking to the newspaper last night Andre confessed: 'Yes it's true. I was intimate with Maddy on a handful of occasions.

'We both went into it with our eyes open, and let's just say I certainly know how to pick 'em!'

Maddy told the newspaper: 'Michelle told me Peter was looking for someone who was 'the complete opposite" of his ex-wife Katie - and yet he seemed more than interested in me with my fake boobs and false eyelashes!

'He had already seen my picture on Facebook, thought I was 'gorgeous' and wanted to meet me. I thought he would be a useful work contact.'

But it seemed Peter had other ideas when he spotted Maddy at the party in The Harbour Club in Shoreham, Sussex.

'I was quickly introduced to him,' she said. 'But about an hour later I was at the bar when I sensed someone behind me.

'It was Peter. He whispered into my neck, 'I think you are gorgeous'. It was a clumsy chat-up line but it still sent shudders down my spine. He pulled me over to talk to him in a quiet corner.

'He quizzed me about my love life, my current status and previous partners. It felt like an interview.

Glamour: Maddy Ford, second from left, who now works as a stylist, is pictured in 2004 during her modelling days with, left to right, Gemma Jones Jakki Degg and Kayleigh Pearson

'Then he left with his children Junior and Princess. Michelle called me later to say Peter definitely wanted to see me again.'

Just a week later they arranged to have dinner at Nick and Michelle's home in Littlehampton, Sussex.

Maddy revealed: 'I thought Peter was gorgeous and he clearly thought the same about me. We shared our first kiss in the hallway when Pete had to go at midnight and we swapped numbers. Then we started exchanging sexy texts and pictures. There was no holding back.'

Following the dinner date they met again at Nick and Michelle's and had sex for the first time, staying over in the couple's spare bedroom.

Maddy told The News Of The World: 'I felt really nervous about sleeping with him because Katie Price comes across as such a sexual person. I thought she was probably an animal in bed.

'But Pete told me, "It's all an act. She's not like that at all". He told me I had the best body he had ever seen and that my breasts and bum were perfect. He made me feel good.

'Pete blew me away in bed. Every second I was with him, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

'His body was incredible and he was so affectionate. I know Jordan once claimed his manhood was the size of an acorn but that is categorically not true. Peter was perfect in every way.

'But he always liked to be the submissive one. I always wanted him to take charge but he preferred it when I did. He liked me to be rough with him.'

Divorce: Peter Andre made a vow to stay celibate following his split from ex-wife Katie Price - but he wooed Maddy Ford just eight days after their divorce

And the model says she soon felt as though the relationship may get serious, as they spent more time together - even exchanging expensive gifts at Christmas.

'It wasn't all about sex,' she insisted.'Sometimes, Pete would bring Junior and Princess over to Nick and Michelle's for Sunday lunch, and those were fun times too.
Or we'd all go out for a meal with the kids.'

She says Andre, whose ex-wife Katie Price is now married to cagefighter Alex Reid, invited her to go to Cyprus with him in April.

'But then, there were other times when he would sway the other way and tell me he didn't think he was really ready for another relationship. Still he was always ready to have sex with me when it suited him.'

And Peter couldn't always keep his hands off Maddy when they were working together.

On Janary 27, the pair found themselves working together again on a Kia car promotion for a glossy magazine.

Maddy explained to the newspaper: 'The shoot was at a TV studios in Chalk Farm, London. I was dressed in a cropped Alexander McQueen top that showed my midriff and a cropped leather jacket.

'When Pete arrived, he couldn't take his eyes off me and told me, "You look the sexiest I have ever seen you look". He kept looking at me, biting his lip and grabbing my bottom. It was unusual for him because we never normally publicly showed that we were gagging for each other.

'Then all of a sudden he announced that he was going to have a shower.

New man: Peter former wife Katie Price has since married cagefighter Alex Reid - the two are said to be planning to have a child together

'There was a shower room a few corridors down surrounded by offices full of people and editing suites.

'He'd only been gone a few minutes when his brother Mike handed me a towel and told me to take it to Peter. I knocked on the door and as the door opened, Pete pulled me inside. He was totally naked and dripping wet.

'I was trying to act professional. I had never s*****d someone on the job before.

'But we ended up having sexy, steamy passionate sex right there, up against the wall, in the shower room. It was all over very quickly.'

And sadly for Maddy, so was the whole relationship as Peter worried they were getting too serious.

Maddy says: 'I did try to stop myself falling so hard for him. I knew I was on a massive rollercoaster ride but I just didn't want to get off. I wondered if I was being foolish falling in love with him. But who wouldn't have fallen in love with him?"

When The News Of The World got in touch with Peter he told them: 'I always said that I would only talk about a new relationship if it was a serious one and as far as I'm concerned this was not serious.

'I have tried in my heart to do everything in the right way. I waited until I was divorced before I considered moving on. I have never been intimate with anyone in front of my children, apart from their mother to this day.

'I remained faithful to my ex-wife throughout our marriage until I was divorced. As far as I am concerned I am a single guy without a girlfriend.'

source: dailymail